What is Rtl?

The Response to Intervention Model

One of the major challenges teachers face in schools today is meeting with the wide range of students needs. In any given classroom, teachers will have students who struggle sitting next to students who learn easily. The range of students' needs can feel overwhelming to a teacher. But the good news is that in today's schools teacher are not expected to do the job alone! Teams of teachers can work together to address their students' strengths and needs.

Rtl (Response to Intervention Model) offers a multitier framework designed to meet the needs of all students. It brings together important information about the child (including data on the child's strengths and challenges) with evidence-based instructional approaches, so that teachers related service providers can recognize and respond to students' needs. (Kirk, Gallagher & Coleman, 2015)

Key Components of Rtl Model
  • A tiered hierarchy of supports and services
  • Comprehensive assessments and progress monitoring used to make informed decisions about a child's strengths and needs
  • Standard protocols, drawn from evidence-based practices, for intervention when children need more support
  • Problem-solving approaches that include parents to plan supports and services

(Central Advisory Council for Education, 1967)
