2 Case Study Responses

Case Study A

1. What do you know?  What do you still need to know?

I know that Cecelia is in the fifth grade has never been held back. She currently living with her grandmother. Her mother does not want her and her father was just released from jail. Cecelia need glasses but does not have them yet.

Her teacher states that Cecelia can read but struggles with comprehension. She has passed TAKS reading test in the third grade and TAKS writing in the fourth grade. But failed in TAKS reading and math in the fourth grade. She also is known to be disruptive outside of the classroom and when she is with her sister.

What I still need to know is why was she prescribed medication?
What kind of medication it was?
Why was she taken off of said medication?
Has she ever had any type of Rtl assessment or evaluation?
If she is prescribed glasses, why doesn't she have them yet?
I need to know a lot more from her teacher, I could go on and on, but my main concern is why is she failing all of her classes?

2. What do you believe is the core problem?

I believe the problem starts at home. The information I do have strongly suggests that Cecelia's past has not been the easiest for her or her sister. This is her third school since kindergarten so she probably does not have any real motivation to be successful or make any real commitment to her education.

3. Should teacher proceed with the RtI process?

Yes, I believe that should proceed with the Rtl process.

4. If yes, what Curriculum Guide Evidence/supporting documentation does teacher need to present at Tier I?

Cecelia is currently failing all of her classes and has failed several TAKS tests. She is also showing signs of some behavioral issues. So her teacher should compile her TAKS test results, her report card for the current school year, and any disciplinary documents. So there is definitely areas of concern with a focus on behavior and comprehension.

Case Study D

1. What do you know?  What do you still need to know?

I know that Samuel is in kindergarten and that he has spina bifada. He is still incontinent but training in a pull up diaper. Samuel was using a walker before he started kindergarten but is now learning to walk without it. Samuel also makes friends very easily. He knows letter names and their corresponding sounds, days of the week, colors, shapes, and how to spell and write his name. According to TPRI documentation, he met expectations on BOY screening. Hi smother has a handicap and he has an older brother and two younger siblings.

Things I still need to know.

If his mother is disabled and cannot drive him to school, how does he get to school now?
What is the mothers handicap?
What is the home life like?
Are there a great amount of obstacles at home with two family members being disabled?
What type of supports are present now?

2. What do you believe is the core problem?

Without more information I am not sure there is a problem currently.

3. Should teacher proceed with the RtI process?


4. If yes, what Curriculum Guide Evidence/supporting documentation does teacher need to present at Tier I?

I believe the only support documentation needed would be to prove that Samuel would benefit from having an assistant throughout the day. He needs assistance with toileting and moving around. If the teacher was the only one responsible for assisting Samuel it would most certainly affect the rest of the class.

5. Who needs to be on the RtI Team?

Samuels current teacher
Samuels family
Special education teacher
physical therapist
school nurse
