
Interview -

The time I had with the teacher I am working with was very short so I did the best with the time I had. I am working in an 8th Grade ELA class with zero IEP's.

First question: Do you believe Rtl has proven itself successful in your experience?

Mrs. Rufer expressed her frustration with her experience with the Rtl process, mostly in concern with the parental response. She said there was very little parental cooperation. But that is an essential step for many students to get the support they need to have a successful education.
She also stated to make sure you’re an expert in differentiation.

While all teachers should differentiate their lessons based on their students’ needs,  teachers need to be especially confident in their ability to adapt lessons to meet the very unique needs of their students. You simply can’t teach a concept and expect every child to be doing the same work, the same way. You need to individualize instruction so that it is presented in a way that all of your students can learn. You will not be able to look at the school’s curriculum or instructional materials and use them as-is. You’ll need to show that you can adapt your resources to meet the learning needs of your students.
